In INDIA most arthritis sufferers receive knee surgery. For patients who are younger and there is wear and tear that’s intense or there significant bone on bone disease (in certain cases, right all the way into the bones) the only conventional alternatives would be to suffer from pain or get injecting steroids, which generally are only beneficial for a short period of time.
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While knee replacement surgery could be the best option for some individuals, for other people such as athletes, younger patients, and women, as well as older patients who are active – taking out your knee joint involves removing a significant quantity of healthy tissue is not the ideal alternative.
Osteotomy may delay the necessity of knee replacement surgeries (although patients may require this procedure in order to treat advanced arthritis later, but most often about 10 years later) However, in certain instances it may even eliminate the necessity of knee replacement entirely.
The major advantages of osteotomy over knee replacements are:
- The knee joint is less painful and you don’t have to take or replace your knee joint.
- More movement and functionality.
- Rapider recovery.
- The knee may be more stable after knee replacement surgery.
- You can resume your usual activities, including sports that are competitive, but it’s not suggested following a knee replacement because it could cause damage to the artificial joint.
- You’re not getting anything replaced, so you have your knee.